CPCIASmart Irrigation Month

The recent record breaking heat wave, combined with lower than normal precipitation and a forecast that indicates hot and dry through the summer, has watering restrictions on the minds of municipalities and the irrigation industry alike.  While no major municipalities across the Prairies have enacted emergency watering restrictions, this past week did see them leading by example in reducing their use in their operations, as well as asking citizens to keep water conservation measures in mind.    

This year Smart Irrigation Month is timely, and more important than ever.  Using smart systems that monitor environmental conditions to operate based on plant water requirements will save water (and money), and will maintain a healthy, beautiful landscape.  Watering efficiently and keeping systems maintained (no leaks!) will help reduce the need for watering restrictions as we get further into the summer months.  Some cities and towns in Alberta have annual watering schedules that residents and businesses are required to follow, but most major towns and cities will move directly into watering restrictions as needed.  Keeping up to date on what is going on in municipalities throughout the Prairies will help you support your customers and colleagues to provide sustainable solutions, keeping irrigation efficient.

Listed (and linked) below are watering schedules, news releases, and other watering restriction/water conservation related information for major towns and cities across Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Municipalities with Annual Watering Schedules:
Town of Okotoks (News Releases / Watering Schedule / Water Conservation Programs)
City of Airdrie (News ReleasesWatering Schedule and Conservation)
City of Red Deer (News Releases / Watering Schedule / Water Conservation Guidelines)

Municipalities Enacting Watering Restrictions (as needed): 

Town of Strathmore (News Releases / Water Conservation)
Town of Chestermere (News Releases)
City of Edmonton/Epcor (News ReleasesWater Conservation)
City of Calgary (News Releases / Watering Restriction FAQ )
City of Saskatoon (News Releases / Water Conservation )
City of Regina (News Releases / Water Conservation )
City of Lethbridge (News Releases / Water Conservation )
City of Medicine Hat (News Releases / Water Conservation)